By taking the time to provide the information below, you get a fast-start on you application being approved and your funds delivered. Each of the questions below helps us understand your financial position, what collateral you have for your loan, and what loan type best suits your needs.
The more we know,
the faster we can go.
Every finance company will need to know this critical information, so please be ready so we can get to a solution at speed. Once we have the information, we guarantee to give you an answer within 24 hours.
What happens next?
We make the process as fast, efficient and stress-free as possible for you or your client. Our experts
will assist you throughout the entire process, so help is always readily available. Here’s how it works:
Step 02:
Application Received
- Senior expert discusses the transaction with your broker/you to understand and advise how we can best meet your needs.
- An online application form is provided for the borrower to complete requesting all the key financial and identity information required for the transaction. The information is critical to the success of your application and the provision of funds; no transaction can legally proceed without this.
Complete the Online Application Form here and receive an update from our team within the hour
Step 03:
Application Assessment
- An NWC Finance expert assesses your application and may contact your broker/you to confirm the details or request further information.
Step 04:
Offer Letter Issued
- Once all key information is received, a letter of Offer will be issued.
Step 05:
Valuation and Due Diligence
- A valuation quote and invoice will be provided by an independent bank approved valuer, to be paid directly to the valuer. Any valuations are used to secure your funds.
- Once valuation fees have been paid, we instruct the valuer to provide true valuations of your security assets. This can take between 24 to 72 hours.
- NWC performs due diligence on the borrower and transaction including review of key information:
- Client will be asked to provide additional documentation related to the security
- Client will be asked to provide evidence of use of funds
- Client will be asked to provide evidence of how they will service the loan
Step 06:
Loan Documents Issued
- Once the valuations and due diligence have been completed and approved, the loan documents are issued to the client’s solicitor for independent legal advice and execution.
Please note, legal documents can be issued upon signing of the Letter of Offer if the client pays the legal fee upfront, this is an option that client’s often take up when time is extremely critical.
Step 07:
- Once all the above steps have been satisfied, with the loan documents executed and returned to our solicitor, the loan facility is finalised with a settlement time booked and the funds advanced to the client.